Source code for matrixctl.addon_manager

# matrixctl
# Copyright (c) 2021  Michael Sasser <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Use this module as addon manager."""

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import logging
import typing as t

from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from typing import Callable

__author__: str = "Michael Sasser"
__email__: str = ""

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Leave them here, as long as they are not needed elsewhere
# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
# skipcq: PYL-W0212
SubParserType = Callable[[argparse._SubParsersAction], None]
ParserSetupType = Callable[[], argparse.ArgumentParser]

# global
addons: list[SubParserType] = []

[docs]def import_addons_from( addon_directory: str, addon_module: str, parser_name: str ) -> None: """Import addons in (global) addons. Parameters ---------- addon_directory : str The absolute path as string to the addon directory. addon_module : str The import path (with dots ``.`` not slashes ``/``) to the addons from project root e.g. "matrixctl.addons". parser_name : str The name of the module the subparser is in. ..Note: The nothing will be imported, when the subparser is not in (global) addons. To add the subparse to addons you need to decorate the subparsers with ``matrixctl.addon_manager.subparser`` Returns ------- none : None The function always returns ``None``. """ logger.debug("package dir set to %s", addon_directory) logger.debug("addon_module set to %s", addon_module) for _, module_name, _ in iter_modules( [addon_directory], f"{addon_module}." ): parser = f"{module_name}.{parser_name}" logger.debug("Found module: %s", parser) module = import_module(parser) logger.debug("Imported: %s", module)
[docs]def subparser(func: SubParserType) -> SubParserType: """Decorate subparsers with, to add them to (global) addons on import. Parameters ---------- func : matrixctl.addon_manager.SubParserType A subparser. ..Note: The nothing will be imported, when the subparser is not in (global) addons. To add the subparse to addons you need to decorate the subparsers with ``matrixctl.addon_manager.subparser`` Returns ------- decorated_func : matrixctl.addon_manager.SubParserType The same subparser which was used as argument. (Without any changes) """ if func not in addons: addons.append(func) return func
[docs]def setup(func: ParserSetupType) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Add subparsers to the (main) parser. Parameters ---------- func : matrixctl.addon_manager.ParserSetupType A callback to the main parser. Returns ------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser The parser which includes all subparsers. """ if len(addons) == 0: logger.error( "The Argparse Addon Manager was not able to find any addons. " "Have you imported the addons with " '"AddonManager.import_addons_from()"?' ) parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = func() if len(addons) > 0: # skipcq: PYL-W0212 subparsers: argparse._SubParsersAction[t.Any] = parser.add_subparsers( title="Commands", description=( "The following are commands, you can use to accomplish " "various tasks." ), metavar="Command", ) for subparser_ in addons: subparser_(subparsers) return parser