Source code for matrixctl.sanitizers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# matrixctl
# Copyright (c) 2020  Michael Sasser <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Use the functions of this module as printing helpers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import typing as t

from contextlib import suppress
from enum import Enum
from enum import unique

__author__: str = "Michael Sasser"
__email__: str = ""

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EVENT_ID_PATTERN: t.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"^\$[0-9a-zA-Z.=_-]{1,255}$")
USER_ID_PATTERN: t.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"^\@.*\:.*\..*$")
ROOM_ID_PATTERN: t.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"^\!.*\:.*\..*$")

[docs]@unique class MessageType(Enum): """Use this enum for describing message types. Supported events: ===================== =================================================== message_type Usage ===================== =================================================== This event is used when sending messages in a room This event sets the name of an room This events sets the room topic This event sets the room avatar This event pins events Adjusts the membership state for a user in a room This event sets the join rules This event creates a room This event sets a rooms power levels This event redacts other events ===================== =================================================== """ M_ROOM_MESSAGE = "" M_ROOM_NAME = "" M_ROOM_TOPIC = "" M_ROOM_AVATAR = "" M_ROOM_PINNED_EVENTS = "" M_ROOM_MEMBER = "" M_ROOM_JOIN_RULES = "" M_ROOM_CREATE = "" M_ROOM_POWER_LEVELS = "" M_ROOM_REDACTION = ""
[docs]def sanitize_message_type( message_type: str | MessageType | None, ) -> MessageType | t.Literal[False] | None: """Sanitize an message type. Examples -------- >>> sanitize_message_type("") <MessageType.M_ROOM_MESSAGE: ''> >>> sanitize_message_type("M.RooM.MeSsAgE") <MessageType.M_ROOM_MESSAGE: ''> >>> sanitize_message_type(" ") <MessageType.M_ROOM_MESSAGE: ''> >>> sanitize_message_type(MessageType.M_ROOM_MESSAGE) <MessageType.M_ROOM_MESSAGE: ''> >>> sanitize_message_type("something invalid") False >>> sanitize_message_type(None) Parameters ---------- message_type : typing.Any The event identifier to sanitize Returns ------- message_type_sanitized : typing.Literal[False] or MessageType, optional The function returns ``None`` if ``message_type`` is ``None``, ``MessageType``, if it is valid, otherwise ``False`` """ if isinstance(message_type, MessageType) or message_type is None: return message_type with suppress(TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError): return MessageType[message_type.strip().replace(".", "_").upper()] logger.error("The message type is not wrong.") return False
[docs]def sanitize( pattern: t.Pattern[str], identifier: t.Any | None, error_message: str, ) -> str | t.Literal[False] | None: """Create a new sanitizer based on compiled RegEx expressions. A helper function for simplifying the latter sanitize identifier specific functions. Parameters ---------- pattern : typing.Pattern The RegEx pattern used for the specific sanitizing identifier : typing.Any, optional The identifier to sanitize based on the pattern error_message : str The error string used for logging errors Returns ------- result : typing.Literal[False] or str, optional The function returns ``None`` if ``identifier`` is ``None``, the sanitized string, when it is valid, otherwise ``False`` """ if identifier is None: return None with suppress(TypeError, AttributeError): identifier = str(identifier).strip() if pattern.match(identifier): return t.cast(str, identifier) logger.error(error_message) return False
[docs]def sanitize_event_identifier( event_identifier: t.Any, ) -> str | t.Literal[False] | None: """Sanitize an event identifier. Examples -------- >>> sanitize_event_identifier( ... "$event-abcdefghijklmH4omLrEumu7Pd01Qp-LySpK_Y" ... ) '$event-abcdefghijklmH4omLrEumu7Pd01Qp-LySpK_Y' >>> sanitize_event_identifier( ... " $event-abcdefghijklmH4omLrEumu7Pd01Qp-LySpK_Y " ... ) '$event-abcdefghijklmH4omLrEumu7Pd01Qp-LySpK_Y' >>> sanitize_event_identifier("something invalid") False >>> sanitize_event_identifier(None) Parameters ---------- event_identifier : typeing.Any The event identifier to sanitize Returns ------- result : typing.Literal[False] or str, optional The function returns ``None`` if ``event_identifier`` is ``None``, the sanitized string, when it is valid, otherwise ``False`` """ return sanitize( pattern=EVENT_ID_PATTERN, identifier=event_identifier, error_message=( "The given event identifier has an invalid format. Please make" " sure you use one with the correct format. For example:" " $tjeDdqYAk9BDLAUcniGUy640e_D9TrWU2RmCksJQQEQ" ), )
[docs]def sanitize_user_identifier( user_identifier: t.Any, ) -> str | t.Literal[False] | None: """Sanitize an user identifier. Examples -------- >>> sanitize_user_identifier( ... "@user:domain.tld" ... ) '@user:domain.tld' >>> sanitize_user_identifier( ... " @user:domain.tld " ... ) '@user:domain.tld' >>> sanitize_user_identifier("something invalid") False >>> sanitize_user_identifier(None) Parameters ---------- user_identifier : typing.Any The user identifier to sanitize Returns ------- event_identifier_sanitized : typing.Literal[False] or str, optional The function returns ``None`` if ``user_identifier`` is ``None``, the sanitized string, when it is valid, otherwise ``False`` """ return sanitize( pattern=USER_ID_PATTERN, identifier=user_identifier, error_message=( "The given user identifier has an invalid format. Please make sure" " you use one with the correct format. For example:" " @username:domain.tld" ), )
[docs]def sanitize_room_identifier( room_identifier: t.Any, ) -> str | t.Literal[False] | None: """Sanitize an room identifier. Examples -------- >>> sanitize_room_identifier( ... "!room:domain.tld" ... ) '!room:domain.tld' >>> sanitize_room_identifier( ... " !room:domain.tld " ... ) '!room:domain.tld' >>> sanitize_room_identifier("something invalid") False >>> sanitize_room_identifier(None) Parameters ---------- room_identifier : typing.Any The room identifier to sanitize Returns ------- room_identifier_sanitized : typing.Literal[False] or str, optional The function returns ``None`` if ``room_identifier`` is ``None``, the sanitized string, when it is valid, otherwise ``False`` """ return sanitize( pattern=ROOM_ID_PATTERN, identifier=room_identifier, error_message=( "The given room identifier has an invalid format. Please make sure" " you use one with the correct format. For example:" " !" ), )
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