Source code for matrixctl.handlers.table

# matrixctl
# Copyright (c) 2020  Michael Sasser <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Use this handler to generate and print tables."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from import Generator
from import Sequence

__author__: str = "Michael Sasser"
__email__: str = ""

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_colum_length( data: list[list[str]], headers: None | list[list[str]] ) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Transpose rows and find longest line. Parameters ---------- data : list of list of str The data part of the table. headers : None or list of list of str The headers part of the table. Returns ------- column_length_tuple : None A n-tuple which describes the longest srting per column. (n is the number of columns) """ # Transpose and get max length column_length: Generator[int, None, None] = ( len(max(n, key=len)) for n in zip(*data) ) if headers is not None: # Alternative path, when header is enabled # do the same with the header column_length_header: Generator[int, None, None] = ( len(max(n, key=len)) for n in zip(*headers) ) return tuple( max(m, n) for m, n in zip(column_length_header, column_length) ) return tuple(column_length)
[docs]def transpose_newlines_to_rows( splitted: list[list[str]], occurences: int ) -> Generator[list[str], None, None]: """Transpose newlines in new rows. Parameters ---------- splitted : list of list of str A list of substring-lists, splitted from one row, which contains newline characters. The substing-lists are containing strings, which have been splitted into substings. occurences : int The maximal number of newlines across the row. Yields ------ row : list[str] A row for each occurence. """ for i in range(occurences + 1): row: list[str] = [] for column in splitted: try: row.append(column[i]) except IndexError: row.append("") yield row
[docs]def handle_newlines( part: list[list[str]], newlines: dict[int, int] ) -> tuple[list[list[str]], set[int]]: """Update and insert new lines. Parameters ---------- part : list of list of str Data or headers of the table. newlines : dict [int, int] A dictionary ``{r: n}``, where ``n`` are newlines in row ``r``. Returns ------- part, inhibit_sep : tuple [list of list of str, set of int] The ``part`` contains the supplemented and updated rows. The ``inhibit_sep`` ``set`` contains the line numbers where a separator yhould be inhibited because the lines handled by this function are belonging together. """ inhibit_sep: set[int] = set() offset: int = 0 # grows with every inserted line # occurences = the maximum number of newline chars in one row (not sum) for line_number, occurences in newlines.items(): splitted = [ column.splitlines() for column in part[line_number + offset] ] # logger.debug(f"{splitted = }") new_rows: Generator[ list[str], None, None ] = transpose_newlines_to_rows(splitted, occurences) # The first new line will replace the old line try: part[line_number + offset] = next(new_rows) # logger.debug(f"new row = {data[line_number+offset]}") except StopIteration: logger.error("There is a bug in the table handler.") return part, inhibit_sep # The following lines will be inserted for additional_row in new_rows: # logger.debug(f"new row = {additional_row}") inhibit_sep.add(line_number + offset) offset += 1 part.insert(line_number + offset, additional_row) return part, inhibit_sep
[docs]def newlines_in_row(row: list[str]) -> int: """Get the highest number of newlines per row. The highest number of newlines for a row is used to dertermine in how many rows the row gets expanded, to get one row per newline - 1. Parameters ---------- row : list of str Data or headers of the table. Returns ------- max_newlines : int The highest number of newlines ber row. """ return int(max(cell.count("\n") for cell in row)) # int for mypy
[docs]def find_newlines(data: list[list[str]]) -> dict[int, int]: """Find newlines and return a dict with positions (key) and occurences. Notes ----- The function only adds an entry to the dict, if there is at least one newline in a row. Parameters ---------- data : list of str Data or headers of the table. Returns ------- pos : dict [int, int] A dictionary ``{r: n}``, where ``n`` are newlines in row ``r``. """ return { i: newlines_in_row(row) for i, row in enumerate(data) if newlines_in_row(row) > 0 }
[docs]def format_table_row(line: list[str], max_column_len: tuple[int, ...]) -> str: """Format a table row into a ``str``. Parameters ---------- line : list of str A data or headers row, which will be formatted to a string. max_column_len : tuple of int A n-tuple which describes the longest srting per column. (n is the number of columns) Returns ------- row_string : str A formatted string, which represents a table row. """ return ( f"| {' | '.join(s.ljust(i) for s, i in zip(line, max_column_len))} |" )
[docs]def cells_to_str(part: Sequence[Sequence[str]], none: str) -> list[list[str]]: """Convert all cells to strings and format ``None`` values. Parameters ---------- part : of of str Data or header, in which every cell will be to casted to to strings. none : str A string, which is used to replace ``None`` with the specific string. Returns ------- part : list of list of str The part, where every cell is of type ``str``. """ data: list[list[str]] = [] for row in part: data.append([str(s if s is not None else none) for s in row]) return data
[docs]def table( table_data: Sequence[Sequence[str]], table_headers: Sequence[str] | None = None, sep: bool = True, none: str = "-", ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Create a table from data and a optional headers. Parameters ---------- table_data : of of str Data. table_headers : of str, Optional Headers. sep : bool, default = True ``True``, when ther should be a separator between every row of data. none : str, default = "-" A string, which is used to replace ``None`` with the specific string. Yields ------ table : Generator [str, None, None] The table (row for row). """ # data: list[Sequence[str]] = list(table_data) data: list[list[str]] = cells_to_str(table_data, none) headers: list[list[str]] | None = None if table_headers is not None: headers = cells_to_str([table_headers], none) newlines: dict[int, int] = find_newlines(data) if headers is not None: headers, _ = handle_newlines(headers, find_newlines(headers)) data, inhibit_sep = handle_newlines(data, newlines) max_column_len: tuple[int, ...] = get_colum_length(data, headers) num_of_columns: int = len(headers) if headers is not None else len(data[0]) num_of_rows: int = len(data) logger.debug( f"Create new Table with {num_of_columns} x {num_of_rows} Cells." ) logger.debug(f"Maximal length of text per column {max_column_len}.") logger.debug( "Found newlines in data: {{r: n}}, where n are newlines in row r: " f"{newlines}" ) logger.debug( f"Inhibit the creation of newlines in rows: {inhibit_sep} in data." ) # The 2 in (i + 2) gives 1 extra spcae left and right of the column sep_line_data: str = f"|{'+'.join('-' * (i + 2) for i in max_column_len)}|" sep_line: str = sep_line_data.replace("|", "+") sep_line_header: str = sep_line.replace("-", "=") yield sep_line # Top seperator (will be always printed) if headers is not None: for line in headers: yield format_table_row(line, max_column_len) yield sep_line_header for line_number, line in enumerate(data): yield format_table_row(line, max_column_len) if sep and line_number not in inhibit_sep: yield sep_line_data if line_number + 1 < num_of_rows else sep_line if not sep: yield sep_line